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Plastskyddshylsa däckjärn

Pris (inkl. moms) 80,00 kr
Ring butiken så hjälper vi dig (Telefon: 016 - 17 43 30)
Plastskyddshylsa däckjärn


Plastskyddshylsa däckjärn


för artikelnummer: 650RF/2  
HAZET Protective sleeve ? plastic 650RF-01
Allmän information
Safe and damage-free installation, especially of run-flat
and low profile tyres

.Optimised construction (reinforced, rounded, blunt edges)
to prevent damage to the tyre casing

.Plastic protective sleeve prevents scratching of the rim
and protects against slippage

.Plastic protective sleeve for pushing onto the tyre lever
Prevents scratching of the rim and protects against the tyre
lever slipping
For 650RF/2 ? 650RF

.The reinforced tyre wall on run-flat tyres and low profile
tyres is significantly more rigid than the casing of
conventional tyres. Using a less than optimal lever leads
to tyre damage.

.Made in Germany

DisclaimerUnsuitable or defective spare parts or improper
part installation may cause damage, malfunction or total
failure of the tool.
The use of non-approved spare parts will void all warranty,
service, compensati
Ursprungsland: DE
Tullkod: 82055910